havenhostel Cuxhaven GmbH

Captain Alexander Street 16
27472 Cuxhaven
Phone +49 4721 6670-0
E-mail: cuxhaven@havenhostel.de

The fastest way to us

Car (A27)

Via the A27, take the 3rd exit at the roundabout (Papenstr. B73). Turn right onto Kapitän-Alexander-Straße.

Public transport

Cuxhaven is served by the KVG bus service, which makes the whole city easily accessible.

On site

The buses on lines 1001 and 1002 can be used for journeys to the spa areas. The bus station is located directly next to Cuxhaven main station. A single ticket to the spa areas can be purchased directly from the bus driver.

Would you rather take a quick taxi?

City Liner: 04721 - 667 790
Taxi 35000: 04721 - 350 00
Geppi-Car: 04721 - 666 555

Bus and car park

A limited number of free car parking spaces or coach parking spaces (for a fee) are available on the premises. Public car parks within walking distance are available for a fee.
